1950 Shepherd Runabout True 5200 Bottom Complete

Yes! Our 1950 22-foot Shepherd’s True 5200 Bottom has been fully fabricated, installed, filled-and-faired, and sealed with four full coats of Smith’s Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer.

Priming the new bottom with five coats of Interlux Interprotect Epoxy Barrier Coat Primer. We will begin with gray and finish with gray, with coats two through four alternating between white and gray, which helps us see any coverage holidays.

Here is the link to the comprehensive roster of materials we use and their sources. And here is exhaustive guidance on the True 5200 Bottom.

Once primed, her bottom will receive three to four coats of Pettit Hard Racing Copper Bronze bottom paint.

From there we will move above the waterline, finish fairing the hullsides and transom before they are bleached, and stained using Mike Mayer’s incredible Jel Stain. See www.loboat.com.

Varnishing follows, the first step of which involves applying a heavily thinned primer coat of Pettit Hi-Build varnish, per Mike Mayer’s detailed guidance.

We bid 2022 farewell and wish one and all our best wishes for a safe, healthy and prosperous 2023!