1947 Higgins Speedster Primed True 5200 Bottom

1947 Higgins Speedster Primed True 5200 Bottom

Finally, this 1947 Higgins Speedster has a solid, sound, and rock-solid True 5200 Bottom that has been primed with five full coats of Interlux Interprotect 2000E Epoxy Barrier Coat Primer!

We will give the 2000E primer 72 hours or so cure time before we begin applying the brilliantly glossy Rochelle Red Interlux Two-part Polyurethane that will define her entire hull.

Our roster of materials we use and their sources can be found here.

The painting will also mark passing a major milestone in that all structural work will be disappearing into our wake. We will check back in then.

1947 Higgins Speedster True 5200 Bottom Milestone

1947 Higgins Speedster True 5200 Bottom

Our 1947 17’ Higgins Speedster finally has proper bottom framing with a doubling of the number of frames, atop of which we have installed her two-layer True 5200 Bottom.

Please see or comprehensive 5200-bottom-centric body of instructional material.

Where we could deflect the bottom with a fist thump before, as is clear in the clip, it is rock solid now. Our last structural detail involves fitting and installing the about-half-inch-wide keel strip.

Filling and fairing the countersinks using 3M Marine Premium Filler is next and will be followed by thorough sealing with Smith’s CPES.

Applying FIVE – not fewer – coats of Interlux 2000E Barrier Coat is the final step ahead of applying three coats of brilliant red bottom paint, a color that is carrier out throughout the hull and upholstery, per the thumbnail photos that fronts this clip.

1947 Higgins Speedster Bottom Transom Framing & Toothpicking

1947 Higgins Speedster Bottom Transom Framing & Toothpicking

I know. I know. She looks even worse, but she is not. Indeed, with Joe fabricating and installing bilge stringer and bottom and transom framing, and Rick inserting and average of five hardwood toothpicks in each screw hole after sinking them in Gorilla Waterproof glue, her bottom and transom, and her ability to both support and withstand the torque of her flathead six Gray Marine Ace grows exponentially every day.

Let’s see ….. seven boxes of 250 toothpicks each equals 1,750 toothpicks. At an average of 5 in each hole tells us that Rick toothpicked about 350 holes. On, and it used up a full pint of Gorilla Glue!

Svelte will once we begin the cosmetic work.
