By the her preservation was complete, we had yet to find either offensive aftermarket “stuff” that was added, or any evidence of any “woodwork” since this Penn Yan 12’ Swift, CZT-2351, left the factory in Penn Yan, NY in 1953. She is original through-and-through, and elegantly so now, what with 24 coats of Pettit Hi-Build Varnish, and Total Boat Jade Green topside paint adorning her decks, seating and hull. No effort was spared in brining her back to as-new and absolutely show-ready condition. “All” that remains is making her Tee Nee trailer look like this one.
Fran Secor, Otego, NY, who is an outboard engine rebuilder and restorer without equal, restored her 18 HP Johnson Seahorse. Then, sometime next spring, but not before we “must” execute a thorough sea trial, she will be on her way home in Seattle, WA.
Preserving this rather stunning 1953 Penn Yan 12’ Swift CZT, HIN CZT 2351, her period-correct electric-start 18 HP Johnson Seahorse and her TeeNee trailer has reached the finish line and soon will be trekking to her home waters in Seattle, WA. I was stunned on her arrival by how complete, how original and how rot-free she was. Now she’s the stuff of museum displays, but, happily for her, she will soon be romping across the waters of a small lake in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. She retrains her original canvas, all of her original hardware, including her incredibly rare water-skiing and her original mooring cover bows. Other than a couple very minor Dutchman repairs, which Joe challenges anyone to find, every spec of her wood is original. Fran Secor, Otego, NY, once again transformed a good engine into something very, very special. These electric-start 18 HP Johnson Sea Horse engines are incredibly scarce, so Fran was under special pressure that he handled with his typical good humor.
We are honored to have had this opportunity to complete a thorough, museum quality preservation on one of Penn Yan’s most iconic models. She will travel in an enclosed trailer, but only after we’ve run her engine one last time without being connected to the tank so we do not leave any gas in the carburetor.

1953 Penn Yan CZT Swift Arrives for Full Preservation

1953 Penn Yan Swift CZT Filling & Fairing the Canvas

1953 Penn Yan Swift CZT Hull Painting

1953 Penn Yan 12′ Swift CZT Hull Preservation Milestone

1953 Penn Yan Swift CZT Varnish Update

1953 Penn Yan 12′ Swift CZT Preservation Complete!

1953 Penn Yan Swift CZT Engine Test